@sqlrooms/duckdb / useSql
Function: useSql()
Implementation of useSql that handles both overloads
Call Signature
A React hook for executing SQL queries with automatic state management. Provides two ways to ensure type safety:
- Using TypeScript types (compile-time safety only)
- Using Zod schemas (both compile-time and runtime validation)
Type Parameters
Type Parameter | Description |
Row | The TypeScript type for each row in the result |
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | { query : string ; enabled : boolean ; } | Configuration object containing the query and execution control |
options.query | string | - |
options.enabled ? | boolean | - |
Object containing the query result, loading state, and any error
Object containing the validated query result, loading state, and any error
Name | Type |
data | undefined | UseSqlQueryResult <Row > |
error | null | Error |
isLoading | boolean |
// Option 1: Using TypeScript types (faster, no runtime validation)
interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
email: string;
const {data, isLoading, error} = useSql<User>({
query: 'SELECT id, name, email FROM users'
// Option 2: Using Zod schema (slower but with runtime validation)
const userSchema = z.object({
id: z.number(),
name: z.string(),
email: z.string().email(),
createdAt: z.string().transform(str => new Date(str)) // Transform string to Date
const {data: validatedData, isLoading, error} = useSql(
{query: 'SELECT id, name, email, created_at as createdAt FROM users'}
Error Handling
if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) {
// With Zod, you can catch validation errors specifically
if (error instanceof z.ZodError) {
return <div>Validation Error: {error.errors[0].message}</div>;
return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
if (!data) return null;
Data Access Methods
There are several ways to access data with different performance characteristics:
1. Typed Row Access (getRow, rows(), toArray())
- Provides type safety and validation
- Converts data to JavaScript objects
- Slower for large datasets due to object creation and validation
// Iterate through rows using the rows() iterator (recommended)
for (const user of data.rows()) {
console.log(user.name, user.email);
// Traditional for loop with index access
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const user = data.getRow(i);
console.log(`User ${i}: ${user.name} (${user.email})`);
// Get all rows as an array
const allUsers = data.toArray();
// With Zod schema, transformed fields are available
for (const user of validatedData.rows()) {
console.log(`Created: ${user.createdAt.toISOString()}`); // createdAt is a Date object
2. Direct Arrow Table Access
- Much faster for large datasets
- Columnar access is more efficient for analytics
- No type safety or validation
// For performance-critical operations with large datasets:
const nameColumn = data.arrowTable.getChild('name');
const emailColumn = data.arrowTable.getChild('email');
// Fast columnar iteration (no object creation)
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
console.log(nameColumn.get(i), emailColumn.get(i));
// Note: For filtering data, it's most efficient to use SQL in your query
const { data } = useSql<User>({
query: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 30"
3. Using Flechette for Advanced Operations
For more advanced Arrow operations, consider using Flechette, a faster and lighter alternative to the standard Arrow JS implementation.
// Example using Flechette with SQL query results
import { tableFromIPC } from '@uwdata/flechette';
// Convert Arrow table to Flechette table
const serializedData = data.arrowTable.serialize();
const flechetteTable = tableFromIPC(serializedData);
// Extract all columns into a { name: array, ... } object
const columns = flechetteTable.toColumns();
// Create a new table with a selected subset of columns
const subtable = flechetteTable.select(['name', 'email']);
// Convert to array of objects with customization options
const objects = flechetteTable.toArray({
useDate: true, // Convert timestamps to Date objects
useMap: true // Create Map objects for key-value pairs
// For large datasets, consider memory management
serializedData = null; // Allow garbage collection of the serialized data
Flechette provides several advantages:
- Better performance (1.3-1.6x faster value iteration, 7-11x faster row object extraction)
- Smaller footprint (~43k minified vs 163k for Arrow JS)
- Support for additional data types (including decimal-to-number conversion)
- More flexible data value conversion options
Call Signature
A React hook for executing SQL queries with automatic state management. Provides two ways to ensure type safety:
- Using TypeScript types (compile-time safety only)
- Using Zod schemas (both compile-time and runtime validation)
Type Parameters
Type Parameter | Description |
Schema extends ZodType <any , ZodTypeDef , any > | The Zod schema type that defines the shape and validation of each row |
Parameter | Type | Description |
schema | Schema | A Zod schema that defines the expected shape and validation rules for each row |
options | { query : string ; enabled : boolean ; } | Configuration object containing the query and execution control |
options.query | string | - |
options.enabled ? | boolean | - |
Object containing the query result, loading state, and any error
Object containing the validated query result, loading state, and any error
Name | Type |
data | undefined | UseSqlQueryResult <TypeOf <Schema >> |
error | null | Error |
isLoading | boolean |
// Option 1: Using TypeScript types (faster, no runtime validation)
interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
email: string;
const {data, isLoading, error} = useSql<User>({
query: 'SELECT id, name, email FROM users'
// Option 2: Using Zod schema (slower but with runtime validation)
const userSchema = z.object({
id: z.number(),
name: z.string(),
email: z.string().email(),
createdAt: z.string().transform(str => new Date(str)) // Transform string to Date
const {data: validatedData, isLoading, error} = useSql(
{query: 'SELECT id, name, email, created_at as createdAt FROM users'}
Error Handling
if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) {
// With Zod, you can catch validation errors specifically
if (error instanceof z.ZodError) {
return <div>Validation Error: {error.errors[0].message}</div>;
return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
if (!data) return null;
Data Access Methods
There are several ways to access data with different performance characteristics:
1. Typed Row Access (getRow, rows(), toArray())
- Provides type safety and validation
- Converts data to JavaScript objects
- Slower for large datasets due to object creation and validation
// Iterate through rows using the rows() iterator (recommended)
for (const user of data.rows()) {
console.log(user.name, user.email);
// Traditional for loop with index access
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const user = data.getRow(i);
console.log(`User ${i}: ${user.name} (${user.email})`);
// Get all rows as an array
const allUsers = data.toArray();
// With Zod schema, transformed fields are available
for (const user of validatedData.rows()) {
console.log(`Created: ${user.createdAt.toISOString()}`); // createdAt is a Date object
2. Direct Arrow Table Access
- Much faster for large datasets
- Columnar access is more efficient for analytics
- No type safety or validation
// For performance-critical operations with large datasets:
const nameColumn = data.arrowTable.getChild('name');
const emailColumn = data.arrowTable.getChild('email');
// Fast columnar iteration (no object creation)
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
console.log(nameColumn.get(i), emailColumn.get(i));
// Note: For filtering data, it's most efficient to use SQL in your query
const { data } = useSql<User>({
query: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 30"
3. Using Flechette for Advanced Operations
For more advanced Arrow operations, consider using Flechette, a faster and lighter alternative to the standard Arrow JS implementation.
// Example using Flechette with SQL query results
import { tableFromIPC } from '@uwdata/flechette';
// Convert Arrow table to Flechette table
const serializedData = data.arrowTable.serialize();
const flechetteTable = tableFromIPC(serializedData);
// Extract all columns into a { name: array, ... } object
const columns = flechetteTable.toColumns();
// Create a new table with a selected subset of columns
const subtable = flechetteTable.select(['name', 'email']);
// Convert to array of objects with customization options
const objects = flechetteTable.toArray({
useDate: true, // Convert timestamps to Date objects
useMap: true // Create Map objects for key-value pairs
// For large datasets, consider memory management
serializedData = null; // Allow garbage collection of the serialized data
Flechette provides several advantages:
- Better performance (1.3-1.6x faster value iteration, 7-11x faster row object extraction)
- Smaller footprint (~43k minified vs 163k for Arrow JS)
- Support for additional data types (including decimal-to-number conversion)
- More flexible data value conversion options