A powerful graph visualization package for SQLRooms applications. This package provides React components and hooks for creating interactive graph visualizations using a WebGL-based graph rendering engine, with state management through Zustand.
This package is built on top of the Cosmos library, a GPU-accelerated force graph layout and rendering library.
- 🌐 Interactive Graphs: Create dynamic, interactive graph visualizations
- 🚀 WebGL Rendering: High-performance rendering for large graphs
- 🧩 React Components: Ready-to-use components for graph visualization
- 🔄 State Management: Zustand-based state management for graph state
- 🎛️ Simulation Controls: Fine-grained control over physics simulation
- 🎨 Customizable Styling: Extensive options for visual customization
npm install @sqlrooms/cosmos
Basic Usage
Simple Graph Visualization
import {
} from '@sqlrooms/cosmos';
function MyGraph() {
const graphData = {
nodes: [
{id: 'node1', label: 'Node 1'},
{id: 'node2', label: 'Node 2'},
{id: 'node3', label: 'Node 3'},
links: [
{source: 'node1', target: 'node2'},
{source: 'node2', target: 'node3'},
{source: 'node3', target: 'node1'},
return (
<div style={{width: '800px', height: '600px'}}>
<CosmosGraph config={createDefaultCosmosConfig()} data={graphData}>
<CosmosGraphControls />
With Simulation Controls
import {
} from '@sqlrooms/cosmos';
function AdvancedGraph() {
return (
<div style={{width: '800px', height: '600px', position: 'relative'}}>
<CosmosGraph config={createDefaultCosmosConfig()} data={graphData}>
<CosmosGraphControls />
<CosmosSimulationControls className="absolute bottom-4 left-4" />
Using with Zustand Store
import {
} from '@sqlrooms/cosmos';
import {createProjectStore} from '@sqlrooms/project-builder';
// Create a project store with cosmos capabilities
const useStore = createProjectStore({
cosmos: createCosmosSlice(createDefaultCosmosConfig()),
function GraphWithState() {
const {setGraphData, toggleSimulation, isSimulationRunning, zoomToFit} =
// Load graph data
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<button onClick={toggleSimulation}>
{isSimulationRunning ? 'Pause' : 'Resume'} Simulation
<button onClick={zoomToFit}>Zoom to Fit</button>
<CosmosGraph store={useStore}>
<CosmosGraphControls />
The Cosmos graph visualization system provides extensive configuration options for both visual appearance and physics simulation.
Visual Configuration
const config = {
pointSizeScale: 1.2, // Base scale for node sizes
scalePointsOnZoom: true, // Dynamic node sizing with zoom
renderLinks: true, // Toggle link visibility
linkArrows: true, // Show directional arrows
curvedLinks: true, // Use curved links
linkWidth: 1.5, // Width of links
linkOpacity: 0.8, // Opacity of links
// ... other visual options
Physics Simulation Configuration
const config = {
simulationGravity: 0.2, // Center attraction strength
simulationRepulsion: 1.0, // Node repulsion strength
simulationLinkSpring: 1.2, // Link elasticity
simulationLinkDistance: 15, // Preferred link distance
simulationFriction: 0.85, // Movement damping
simulationDecay: 1000, // Simulation cooling rate
// ... other physics options
Advanced Features
- Custom Node Rendering: Define custom renderers for nodes
- Interactive Events: Handle click, hover, and drag events
- Data Binding: Connect graph data to your application state
- Layout Algorithms: Apply different layout algorithms
- Performance Optimization: Options for handling large graphs
For more information, visit the SQLRooms documentation.
About Cosmograph Cosmos
This package is built on top of Cosmograph Cosmos, a GPU-accelerated force graph layout and rendering library. Cosmograph Cosmos offers:
- GPU Acceleration: All computations and rendering happen on the GPU in fragment and vertex shaders
- High Performance: Capable of rendering hundreds of thousands of nodes and links in real-time
- WebGL-based: Utilizes WebGL for efficient graph visualization
- Advanced Physics: Sophisticated force-directed layout algorithms
For more information about the underlying library, visit the Cosmograph Cosmos GitHub repository or the official documentation.
Type Aliases
- CosmosGraph
- CosmosGraphControls
- CosmosSimulationControls
- createCosmosSlice
- useStoreWithCosmos
- createDefaultCosmosConfig
- useHoverState
Renames and re-exports CosmosSliceConfig