Getting Started with SQLRooms
SQLRooms is a powerful framework and a set of building blocks for creating DuckDB-backed analytics applications in React. This guide will help you integrate SQLRooms into your application. For a detailed overview of the framework's architecture, check out the Overview page.
Your application should have the following dependencies:
- React 18 or higher
- Tailwind CSS
- Zustand for state management
- Zod for schema validation
- Node.js >= 20
Install the required SQLRooms packages:
npm install @sqlrooms/project-builder @sqlrooms/project-config @sqlrooms/layout @sqlrooms/ui
pnpm add @sqlrooms/project-builder @sqlrooms/project-config @sqlrooms/layout @sqlrooms/ui
yarn add @sqlrooms/project-builder @sqlrooms/project-config @sqlrooms/layout @sqlrooms/ui
Configure Tailwind CSS
SQLRooms provides a Tailwind preset that includes all the necessary styles. Update your tailwind.config.js
or tailwind.config.ts
import {sqlroomsTailwindPreset} from '@sqlrooms/ui';
import type {Config} from 'tailwindcss';
const preset = sqlroomsTailwindPreset({prefix: ''});
const config = {
content: [
// Your content paths...
// Add SQLRooms packages to content paths
theme: {
extend: {
// Add your custom theme extensions
} satisfies Config;
export default config;
Make sure to import the preset Tailwind styles in your main CSS file:
@import '@sqlrooms/ui/tailwind-preset.css';
Setting Up the Project Store
- First, define your panel types and project configuration:
import {
} from '@sqlrooms/project-config';
import {z} from 'zod';
// Define panel types
export const ProjectPanelTypes = z.enum([
] as const);
export type ProjectPanelTypes = z.infer<typeof ProjectPanelTypes>;
// Define your project config
// This holds all state necessary for persisting/saving the state of the app
export const AppConfig = BaseProjectConfig;
// If using additional slices like SQL Editor:
// export const AppConfig = BaseProjectConfig.merge(SqlEditorSliceConfig);
export type AppConfig = z.infer<typeof AppConfig>;
// Define your application state type
export type AppState = ProjectState<AppConfig>;
// If using additional slices:
// export type AppState = ProjectState<AppConfig> & SqlEditorSliceState;
- Create your project store:
import {
} from '@sqlrooms/project-builder';
import {DatabaseIcon} from 'lucide-react';
export const {projectStore, useProjectStore} = createProjectStore<
>((set, get, store) => ({
// Base project slice
// config holds all state that should be persisted between sessions
config: {
title: 'My SQLRooms Project',
layout: {
type: LayoutTypes.enum.mosaic,
nodes: {
direction: 'row',
first: ProjectPanelTypes.enum['data-sources'],
second: MAIN_VIEW,
splitPercentage: 30,
dataSources: [],
project: {
panels: {
'data-sources': {
title: 'Data Sources',
icon: DatabaseIcon,
component: DataSourcesPanel,
placement: 'sidebar',
title: 'Main View',
icon: () => null,
component: MainView,
placement: 'main',
})(set, get, store),
// Add additional slices if needed
// ...createSqlEditorSlice()(set, get, store),
- Optionally add persistence:
import {persist} from 'zustand/middleware';
// The config is meant to be saved for persistence between sessions
export const {projectStore, useProjectStore} = createProjectStore<
(set, get, store) => ({
// Store configuration as shown above
config: {
title: 'My SQLRooms Project',
// ...other configuration
project: {
panels: {
// Panel definitions
})(set, get, store),
name: 'app-state-storage',
// Specify which parts of the state to persist
partialize: (state) => ({
// Persist configuration between sessions
config: state.config,
// Add other state properties you want to persist
Using the Project Store
Wrap your application with the project store provider:
import {ProjectBuilderProvider} from '@sqlrooms/project-builder';
function App() {
return (
<ProjectBuilderProvider store={projectStore}>
<YourApp />
Access the store in your components:
function YourComponent() {
// Config is now accessed directly from state, not from state.project.config
const projectConfig = useProjectStore((state) => state.config);
// Other state properties remain in the project object
const dataSources = useProjectStore((state) => state.project.dataSources);
return (
// Your component JSX
Key Features
- DuckDB integration for powerful data analytics
- Customizable panel system with sidebar and main view layouts
- Built-in data source management
- Extensible project configuration with Zod schemas
- Type-safe state management
Need Help?
- Check our documentation
- File an issue on GitHub